Thoughts for the day..
Thought I'd leave some thoughts for the day. Ponder at will. Feel free to criticise or add something if you wish.
1. People are becoming increasingly socially blind (people can be so unkind)
For example (and this happens to me on a daily basis) you are in a lift and the door opens and someone rushes to get into thew lift before you can get out. This doesn't make any sense - people need to get out before there is room for you to get into a lift.
Second example (I witnessed it this morning). An elderly lady who had just stepped off the bus, fell over on the footpath in Mosman. Another woman was walking past and walked straight past her without even flinching or even looking, let alone helping the poor woman to her feet. So the bus driver, who had just let the woman off the bus and had taken off to continue the route, stopped the bus and jumped out to help her.
2. The six degrees of seperation phenomenon... weird. Last night, I decided to call into an improptu bbq at my friend's next door neighbour's house. The group was talking about six degrees of separation. Cookie told a story about meeting a guy in Whistler, who he was meant to look up in Miami. I told a story of mvoing into an apartment in Whistler before moving down to live in Vancouver (where I was taking the room of an Aussie girl who was moving up to Whistler to be with her boyfriend and take the room of another Aussie girl who was moving down to Vancouver - which turned out to be me). I was saying that one of the girls I lived with, I had travelled around Europoe with and she was the craziest chick I've ever met. She lost her virginity to Mr Tickle - and I embarked on telling the story, when a guy sitting at the table, whom I had met 30 minutes ago says - "Wait a minute - I know Dana!! I dated her for a year until about a month ago."
I haven't seen or spoken to Dana since 1999.. Weird!
3. Is the fact that everyone has their ipods plugged into their earholes at every opportunity, breeding a culture of disengagement with the external environment?