Philosophical or fluff
"Problems cannot be solved at the same level of thinking at which they were created"
Albert Einstein
I am not usually one to quote the big man, but in this instance it seems fitting.
My own personal growth seems to be mimicking a global period of deep cognitive change:
- the awakening (or at least the international media's awakening) to global warming issues,
- political overthrow of the Republican balance of power in the USA Congress and
- (to a very miniscule extent) Britney Spear's awakening to the fact that she was married to a gold-digging-red-neck-loser-hick and it had to end
Once people realise that they have a problem, and if the thinking pattern changes to a mode of problem-solving, it is very true that the mind seeks alternative options for action if it is to overcome the problem. This is not profound. What is profound is the thought that the mind must sometimes look outside what it has always thought, concluded, debated or seen, and seek new ways of being, in order to solve the problem that, in some circumstances, has created for itself. Taking a different course altogether is the only way to extract oneself from the situation created by their own mind in the first place.
I don't know. Maybe this is babble.. I'm interested to know if this makes sense to anyone else but me..